A toothache or tooth pain can come from a tooth in the mouth or the gum area around a tooth.
There are different causes of toothaches and tooth pain. Treatment will depend on what is causing the toothache.
Tooth decay
If tooth decay is not treated, it can continue to spread deeper into the tooth. As it gets deeper, it is more likely to cause pain.
Early signs of tooth decay may include discomfort to sweet or cold foods and drinks. Pain to hot foods and drinks may be a sign of severe tooth decay.
If tooth decay travels into the nerve at the centre of the tooth, it can cause an infection and a toothache.
Wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth may cause pain when they are pushing into the mouth.
When the tooth is sitting only partly in the mouth, it can be difficult to keep clean. This can cause bacteria to build up and may lead to infection and/or pain.
Broken tooth
Teeth can break for lots of reasons.
Tooth decay can cause teeth to break. The tooth decay takes away the strong tooth structure and causes the tooth to become weak and break.
Teeth can also break from biting on hard items. Common causes can include hard lollies, chocolate that has been kept in the fridge, nuts, popcorn kernels, pork crackling, and olive seeds.
Opening items using your teeth can also cause them to break. If outer layer breaks away, the inside layer inside the enamel can be open to the mouth. This may cause pain or make the tooth sensitive.
What do I do if I have a toothache?
If you have a toothache, pain relief medication may help. It is important to make a dental appointment as soon as possible.