About the program
The Aboriginal Oral Health Program (AOHP) aims to improve the oral health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by increasing oral health knowledge in the community and by improving access to dental services through:
- Increasing the number of children accessing dental services.
- Providing free priority dental services for eligible adults.
- Partnerships with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and health services to increase oral health knowledge and to raise awareness of pathways to dental services.
- A range of culturally appropriate oral health resources promoting key oral health messages.
- Supporting and attending community events to promote oral health.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients who hold a current interstate concession card and who are temporarily staying in South Australia are eligible for Emergency Dental Services only
Everyone under 18 years who either lives in or goes to school in South Australia can attend one of our clinics.
There are no out-of-pocket costs for children who:
- Haven't started school
- Or are covered by:
- the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (Medicare);
- a Pensioner Concession Card;
- a Health Care Card;
- a School Card Scheme.
We recommend children have a dental check-up at around 12 months of age.
Eligible adults can access free priority general and emergency dental care at our clinics.
To be eligible clients need to be:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
- the holder of a current Centrelink Concession Card.
- aged 18 years and older.
Pregnant women may be more at risk of dental problems such as gum disease, erosion and tooth decay.
To be eligible for one course of dental care per pregnancy, women need to:
- be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or pregnant with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander child.
- be the holder of a current Centrelink concession card.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients who hold a current interstate concession card and who are temporarily staying in South Australia are eligible for Emergency Dental Services only.
Regional or Remote services
We provide services in Regional and Remote areas of South Australia.
We have clinics in the following regions:
- Eyre & Western.
- Far North.
- Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island.
- Limestone Coast.
- Yorke & Mid North.
To find the closest clinic in your region, visit Find a Clinic.
In Regional and Remote areas without a SA Dental clinic nearby, government-funded schemes are available at participating private dental clinics.
Ineligible clients
Clients who are not eligible for SA Dental can contact the following Aboriginal Community Controlled Health services for dental services.
Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia Inc.
182 - 190 Wakefield Street, ADELAIDE SA 5000
Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service
Interpreting and Translating Centre (ITC) in conjunction with Aboriginal Language Interpreting Service (ALIS) can provide a range of Aboriginal language services to clients in the following Aboriginal languages:
- Alyawarr
- Arrernte Central
- Arrernte Eastern
- Arrernte Southern (Pertame)
- Arrernte Western
- Pintupi-Luritja
- Pitjantjatjara
- Warlpiri
- Yankunytjatjara
Booking requests can be made by:
Oral health resources
To order Aboriginal Oral Health Program resources please complete the below order form and email a copy to Health.SADSAOHP@sa.gov.au
Further information
For more information about the program please contact the team